The causes of back pain

The back pain will appear quite often, and occur when different circumstances.

Often, patients turn to the doctor and are interested in: if the evil at the bottom of the back, that perhaps it is because of this that develops a strong pain.

The back pain in the lumbar region can develop in a variety of pathologies and of the vertebral column and the internal organs. Also, periodic pain develop in people with systemic diseases. The location of the pain may be different: many people complain the most painful to the right or left, below or above the kidneys, and are wondering who is in this field. Often, this condition develops during pregnancy, and is this possible and at the earliest, and in the later stages. If the pain is acute, there is also the temperature, it is imperative to call emergency assistance.

If there was a constant pain, and temperature, no, to understand the reasons of this phenomenon help by a specialist. Initially, it is advisable to consult a therapist, who will assess the patient's condition and tell you what experts are needed to go further.

To find out, hurt to the spine or the reasons for such a state to the other, it would be necessary to conduct a number of studies, among which the ULTRASOUND, MRI and others

The causes of back pain in the lower back

The causes of back pain

If the back pain in the lower back, the causes of this phenomenon is most often associated with the development of lumbago and sciatica. These states is the result of the defeat of the lumbar spine, degenerative disc disease. Also these pains can be related to intervertebral hernias and protrusions. It hurts, if it is moved to the vertebra. May be the temperature of osteochondrosis, depending on the status of the woman, but in this case, you must immediately consult a doctor.

If develop persistent pain in the lower back, the causes in women and men may be related to irritation of the nerves of the spinal column, irritation, or swelling of the muscles and ligaments. The answer to the question, why can make back pain may consist in the fact that the patient develops a disease of the internal organs, and the pain when this gives in the lumbar region. In this case, it can be felt a pain below and above, to left, to right.

If it comes to know why the evil at the bottom of the back-among women, the causes may be pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis. Sometimes, the reasons for this, which hurts lower back in women, linked to diseases of the genito-urinary system, in particular, with inflammation of the uterus. But even if in the lumbar region periodically pobalivayet and whines, the causes of this phenomenon must necessarily understand the specialist.

Why the wrong kidney in men, also depends on the disease, which necessarily needs to diagnose. If manifests itself by pain in the lower back in men, the causes may be related to the disease of the prostate.

In addition, it is likely that the pain in the lumbar region of the spine may develop and cause bowel problems, pain can irradiate when surprised by the lungs.

But why not developed a strong pain in the lower back, the reasons behind such a phenomenon have a need to know immediately and provide adequate treatment.

According to the statistics, up to 60% of the inhabitants of the cities in the developed countries, periodically complain that the kidneys poorly. The causes of this phenomenon are related to pathologies of the spine. In most cases, such violations complain about people aged 30 to 60 years.

60% of the cases, these pains - a consequence of the degenerative disease of the disk, when the defeat of the roots of the first sacral, 4, and 5 lumbar vertebrae. This phenomenon is called monoradical syndrome. When the defeat of the two strains develops biradicular syndrome (approximately 33% of patients). Defeat the three roots called triradical syndrome, it is rarely diagnosed.

Types of pain

Types of pain

The pain in the back is a non-specific symptom, and the reasons for its appearance can be very diverse. It is very different from the pain in the spine at the lower back. And by the fact that it is an evil of the spine in the lumbar region, strongly or manifested pulling pain, heaviness, and determined the reason of such a state. Also it is important to understand where is manifested the pain in the top or bottom of the spine; it develops periodically or continuously.

The causes of acute pain:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • disc protrusion;
  • spondylitis;
  • acute intervertebral herniation;
  • spinal epiduritis;
  • the vertebral fractures;
  • traction in the acute form;
  • the pathology of the hip;
  • sciatica, lumbago;
  • violations spinal blood flow in the acute form;
  • acute pyelonephritis;
  • acute appendicitis - exo;
  • obstruction of the intestine.

The causes of chronic pain:

  • Ankylosing spondylitis;
  • deforming spondylosis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • scoliosis;
  • osteoporosis, osteomalacia;
  • the tumor of the spinal cord, retroperitoneal space, spine, primary, metastatic;
  • the lesions of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs of an infectious nature (brucellosis,epidural abscess, tb);
  • the inflammation non-infectious nature (the syndrome of Reuters, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis);
  • tumors of the kidney.

The reasons for irradiating the pain:

  • diseases of the stomach, the duodenum, the pancreas, the gallbladder;
  • atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta and branches of the aorta;
  • disease pelvic;
  • diseases of women - the inflammation of the uterus, cancer of the uterus, endometriosis, venereal diseases;
  • men of the disease - cancer of the prostate, of the prostate;
  • diseases of the kidney - kidney stones, renal colic;
  • the bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, the inflammation of the diverticula, non-tumor of the intestine;
  • an aneurysm of the aorta exfoliating.

Why are manifested by pain in the back above the kidneys?

Why are manifested by pain in the back above the kidneys

If you receive a pain over the back on the sides, it is possible that it is a disease of the liver, liver failure, hepatitis, the consequences of the reception toxic drugs, in consequence of which harm the liver. Generally, in this case, the evil of the right back-lumbar - in the upper right quadrant.

What is done badly to the right and to the left just above the waist? Probably, in this case, develop acute kidney disease. Often, during the поликистозе, pyelonephritis in chronic, neoplasms of the kidneys are celebrated vague symptoms. In effect, the stretching of the renal capsule is made gradually. How do you determine if a wrong - kidney or kidneys? Exactly to answer this question only after conducting complete diagnostic.

When a pyelonephritis edema, or the patient is blocked, the ureter, the pain is intense, but dull, often aching. But these feelings manifest themselves continuously, for a long time, often give in the region of the navel, the belly. Also discomfort and pain may manifest in the upper right quadrant, to the left or to the right.

Diseases kidney pain sometimes occur, due to intake of certain medication. When the treatment cancel each other out, these feelings pass.

Sometimes, develops the muscle pain, which can manifest itself not only in the lower back, but in the area of the sternum, and the others In this case, it is necessary to establish a precise diagnosis.

The pain below the waist

pulling and aching pain in the lower back at the bottom grows in a number of diseases of the spine. In addition, in women whines in the lumbar region during menstruation. In this case, can hurt the belly and the back at the same time. As this symptom manifests itself in diseases of sexuality (annexite, salpingo-oophoritis, oophoritis), pelvic peritoneum. Sometimes, a pain and whines back down, when the cause is the intestine, as well as the inflammation of the appendix. It is not usually calms down and in a prone position.

In men, aching or pain in the lower back may develop in diseases of the prostate.

A sharp pain in the lower back is possible in the affections of the bladder. Find an accurate diagnosis will help the doctor.

The sensation of pain to the left and to the right

The sensation of pain to the left and to the right

If the evil at the bottom of the back to the left and to the right at the time, this may indicate the development of hepatitis b), pyelonephritis, acute cholecystitis. The pain in the lower back on the right also appears during the inflammation of the uterus, of the prostate. The sensation of the pain in the back right in the area of hypochondrium can develop pleurisy, pneumonia. If the pain irradiating and are felt above or below the waist to the right, atypical appendicitis, and bowel obstruction. All in all, the causes of pain in the lumbar region, right, and bottom left can be associated with various diseases, such as the spine and the internal organs.

The pain in the right buttock in women occurs as osteochondrosis, and in the event of damage to the ligaments and muscles in this area.

Therefore, if the evil at the bottom of the back to the left or to the right, one can suspect that the development of these diseases:

The disease of the spine

If the back pain in the lower back to the left, the reasons for such a state can be linked to acquired diseases, tumors, degenerative diseases, inflammatory processes. As unpleasant sensations to the right, and bottom left at the back may be related to traumatic injuries, intervertebral hernia. The pain in the lower back to the left at the top and the bottom of risk, and whether the pathologies congenital - spondylosis, sacralization, spondylolisthesis, lubalization.

The diseases of the internal organs

To the right and left wrong in diseases of the pelvic organs (bladder, parametric fibers, uterus, and epididymis, prostate). Sometimes very badly from far away in the pathologies of the intestine and the kidneys. The symptoms of inflammation of the bowel in women and men can manifest as intense pain in this area.

The disease HC in the lumbar-sacral department

In the area of the sacrum evil, if occur the following symptoms: nerve root compression, neurological diseases (neuritis, sciatica, neurasthenia, hysteria), metabolic disorders, diabetes, gout and others

The pain during lumbago and interference of the sciatic nerve

If it pulls the lower back, the reasons may be related to jamming of the sciatic nerve. In the case of a crash or an inflammation of the sciatic nerve, as well as when the sciatica pain is different. The patient sometimes feels back pain in the serenity and in motion, sometimes in the back of the colitis, cook, burns, burns. May be a feeling of numbness. By doing this, the sensation of pain can be both light and very strong, нестерпимыми.

The sciatic nerve is the longest in the body. During his jamming the pain occur with a single hand. Exactly where depends on the sex of the patient: generally right, the girls and left in men. The more often a feeling of strong pain will appear when thou risest up from a lying position, when you stand and change the position of the body. The most painful in the inflammation of this nerve under the knee, but also, which is the bone at the bottom of the buttocks. Sometimes, on the back of the thigh and the muscles of the legs appear nodules. This piece is particularly sensitive, if you touch them. This disease can disturb the night.

Lumbago - the people of this disease is called radiculitis. Suddenly lumbago, which occurs after a high workload, a sudden movement, a long stay in a posture or during hypothermia, the common cold. If the patient's back, the seizures forced him to take such a position, in which the pain subsides. What are the treatments to take, it is best to ask a doctor. Generally, the assistance of massage, ways to warm-up. But all the same it is important to consult a specialist, such as lumbago reflects violations lumbar-sacral department of the vertebral column.

Back pain during pregnancy

Back pain during pregnancy

A lot of women wonder what to do if the back pain back pain during pregnancy. It is difficult to understand what to do when you can't apply many medicines, such as antibiotics, and to treat such a condition.

Causes a burning sensation and pain in the gestation period of a baby are related to the fact that at this time, the body of a woman undergoes an increased load. The extent of the growth of the fetus changes the center of gravity, and often moms-to-be complain of pain in the lower back when the inclination of the front, and later, and still pain and a burning sensation in the back. In addition, when the pregnancy is in the process of physiological changes are celebrated with the other manifestations - headache, and chest, the hair falls out.

In the period of pregnancy is a relaxation femoral-крестцовых of the joints, so that the body is preparing for childbirth. This is also the reason of the tension of the spine and back pain.

Every woman who is expecting a child, must always consult a doctor. It is particularly important to do so in this case, if back problems have been observed previously. It is important to consult a specialist, the field of activity wider than gynecology, and determine how to proceed to avoid the negative effects.

The more often during pregnancy back pain at the level of the kidney in women who had already suffered from osteochondrosis, spinal curvature, muscle pain. However, it is necessary to take into account that the pain in the region of the kidneys is sometimes the symptoms of diseases of the internal organs. Thus, pain in the left kidney may indicate the inflammatory processes of the urinary system. Therefore, at these events in the period of pregnancy, it is essential to inform your doctor for an examination. It will tell you what to do, if the evil dem back, and determine the cause of this phenomenon.

If I have a pain of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy, the practice of manual therapy, special exercises. The drugs appointed by a specialist. Very it is important to follow all recommendations of your doctor. Only in this case, you can minimize the negative aspects.